Tuesday, 13 Sep 2022

Discussing the Importance of Warehouse Management System in Fulfillment Services

Currently, the role of fulfillment services is increasingly recognized and widely used by business people. Their presence is very helpful because they can handle various needs, such as stock management, packaging, and delivery of goods. Behind the complexity of the Medan fulfillment service process, there is a device called WMS. Here’s more!

What is a Warehouse Management System?

Warehouse management is actually not a simple task. At times, warehouse business owners are faced with difficult challenges related to the storage of client products. Therefore, they often use the help of a system called a Warehouse Management System or WMS.

WMS is actually a system designed to assist stakeholders related to managing the movement of goods in the warehouse so that the lead time process becomes faster and more automated. This application also helps users to know all inventory transactions and stock quantities accurately in real time.

WMS also helps users to manage the location of storage of goods more optimally and allows them to perform a better distribution flow. All of these advantages are very helpful, especially the system works automatically and is integrated. Their existence is at the same time a way in the e-commerce era as it is now.

Shoppers who come from anywhere with an order time of even the middle of the night can still be handled well. The stock tracking process has also become easier so that Medan fulfillment staff will not take long to process an order. As a result, more and more customers are satisfied.

Advantages of Using WMS

1. Speed ​​in Process Handling

Every process in the warehouse is greatly helped by the existence of WMS. No matter how much client stuff is there, it’s still easy to keep track of. Everything is completely computerized so that every data is well organized. Inventory becomes clear and easy to monitor.

If every part in the warehouse has been helped, then the order handling process becomes easier. Warehouse staff no longer need to search for products manually, because all information related to their placement is already in the application. As a result, the process of meeting consumer needs becomes more helpful.

2. Easier When Organizing Storage

In a WMS application, there are already tools or features that really help warehouse management. One feature that is needed is related to storage settings. Through this feature, warehouse staff can optimize the number of items in the warehouse, so that it can accommodate more products.

3. Does not require high investment in IT systems

A Medan fulfillment service that utilizes WMS to manage its warehouse has the advantage of not having to spend a large investment in IT systems. All warehouse needs can be handled with just one application. However, every fulfillment service in Indonesia must use a reliable Warehouse Management System.

They should not just choose the application because they are only tempted by the price. Out there, there are lots of application service providers that provide WMS services. It is very important for fulfillment services to choose the best and according to the company’s needs. That way, they can carry out the tasks assigned by the client well.

Important Features That Must Be In WMS

1. Warehouse Design

Warehouse management can run well if the WMS you choose provides warehouse design services. This feature is very helpful in maximizing the storage in the warehouse. As a result, the warehouse can accommodate more products. This means that even the owner of Medan’s fulfillment service can earn more.

This warehouse design does not only refer to the area of ​​​​the warehouse, but also the entire process in it. You can adjust the flow of goods in and out so that it is not too complicated. With this convenience, Medan fulfillment employees or staff can understand the flow of receipt to delivery of goods properly and correctly.

2. Track Inventory

The second feature that is why warehousing services are so helpful with WMS is that they can track inventory easily. The data in it is also accurate, so it must be correct and there are no confused notes. This accuracy is obtained because every item has been integrated with a barcode, so that every movement can be tracked.

This barcode is also very helpful for the packing staff when loading goods into cartons. The staff can immediately make sure the item matches or not with what was ordered via the barcode. Staff checking also becomes easier because there is no need to do manual recording. enough with the scan tool, everything is fine.

3. Pick Up And Cancellation

Many WMS are also equipped with automatic record retrieval features. A detected fetch will instantly decrease the number of sticks in the data. This feature is very useful, because if done manually can consume a lot of time and labor. It is also important that there are no data crashes between the client and the warehouse.

Apart from pick-up and cancellation, there are other features associated with it, namely packaging and selection of the ambulance zone. Fitriu is very helpful for the fulfillment staff of Medan because they don’t have to go around the warehouse to pick up goods. There are already zone instructions, so staff just need to follow them.

3. Shipping

Who would have thought if WMS was very helpful in the delivery process, because there are already features related to it. Through this one tool, fulfillment services once the sender can monitor whether the goods have arrived at the consumer’s house or not. If there is a delivery problem, the fulfillment party can immediately take quick steps so that consumers are not disappointed.

In addition to tracking, this shipping feature can send warehouse receipts and shipping receipts, process shipping invoices, record packing lists, and provide information to consumers about where the goods ordered. This is the reason why fulfillment services must choose a WMS that is equipped with a delivery system.

4. Manpower Management

The fifth Fitriu that can be found in WMS is workforce management. This feature can be used to assess the performance of warehouse employees. The warehouse manager or fulfillment service business in Surabaya can see directly which employees are working optimally. For employees who are still below the standard, they can immediately be given training.

This training in the world of work is intended so that the staff concerned acquires the skills required by the company. If the ability of Medan fulfillment employees has increased, then every process in the warehouse can run smoothly. Over time, fulfillment services will develop for the better.

Those are some reasons related to fulfillment services that you must understand. From the explanation above, it has been seen that the WMS system is very helpful in the performance of the warehouse staff. In this regard, it is better for you to choose a fulfillment service that has a sophisticated WMS system. That way, they can handle your product well.