One-stop Solutions for All Business Scales

FLEXOFAST is a cutting-edge solution for your business in all stages, managed by professional warehouse & logistics team with complete powerful tools to support your expansion plans.

About Us

Seize opportunities in this digital age

FLEXOFAST is a cutting-edge solution for your business in all stages, managed by a professional warehouse & logistics team with complete powerful tools to support your expansion plans

Find out about our warehouse and about our warehouse development
We have value in the company's mission for corporate sustainability
We have an experienced team in their respective fields
360° Capabilities

Optimizes your business with cutting-edge e-commerce technology

Fulfillment Service

Nagivating complex supply chain ecosystem with cutting-edge solutions

E-Commerce Management​

Seamlessly handling multichannel marketplace transactions, or other plaforms from social media to website


Accelerating shipping process, increasing customer satisfaction with the best transporters across Indonesia

Food Delivery

Providing comprehensive e-logistic solution for online food business

What they say


Companies that have
partnered with us

Bring The Best

Our Achievements In The Last 36 Months

Our various achievements in the last 36 Months become one of the important things of us
GMV Processed
20 Million
Package Handled
Last mile courier partners
E-commerce Integration
3 Million
Unique SKU
SLA Commitment